Nagasaki Shiminami Yamate Chiku Machinamihozonsenta - Nagasaki City Minamiyamate District Townscape Preservation Center

This Western-style building was built in the middle of the Meiji period by the Englishman Wilson Walker, and has been relocated and restored.

The Nagasaki City Minamiyamate Townscape Preservation Center is a high-quality house built in the mid-Meiji period by the British architect Wilson Walker.

It is a Western-style building that has been designated as a traditional building, and each design is very attractive.

The establishment of the center reflects the desire to protect the historical environment of the Traditional Structures Preservation District and to deepen citizens' awareness and understanding of the townscape.

On the first floor, there is an exhibition of materials related to the townscape, such as a model of the Nagasaki Settlement (500/1 scale) that recreates Minami-Yamate from the mid-Meiji era, and old photographs from the Settlement period. In addition, we have a permanent exhibition of works by Ken Tagawa, a printmaker born in Nagasaki, so you can take your time to view them in a wonderful Western-style building.

In addition to displaying panels, the second floor is open to the public as a training room, conference room, and gallery to make the building feel more familiar than a Western-style building. (*There is a charge for this)

Busan Area
Nagasaki city center area (Peace Park, Mt. Inasa, Glover Garden, etc.)
History/cultural assets Museums, archives, art galleries Night view
travel theme
Enjoy the scenery and night view

Let's find out more! Nagasaki City Minamiyamate District Townscape Preservation Center

  • Numerous materials reveal Nagasaki at the time -0

    Nagasaki at the time can be seen through numerous documents.

    It would be a waste to walk around the reservation area without prior knowledge.
    This is because in every corner of the street there are traces of the presence of foreigners, who are almost no longer felt in this town. In order not to miss it, it is best to stop by here before your walk! 
    Old photographs, materials, and videos from the settlement era will take you back to the scenery of this town 150 years ago.
    There is also a 500/XNUMX scale model of the settlement area from the mid-Meiji period, so you can get a three-dimensional view of what it was like back then.

Basic Information

Address 850-0931 Minamiyamatecho, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture 4-33
Telephone number 095-824-5341
Contact Cultural Properties Division, Culture and Tourism Department, Economic Affairs Bureau
TEL: 095-829-1193
FAX: 095-829-1219
Address: 5-1 Uonomachi, Nagasaki City (2nd floor of Civic Hall)
Opening hours 9:00~17:00
Days Off Every Monday (except for public holidays), December 29th - January 3rd
Prices Admission is free, but there is a fee to use the training room.
Transportation access Approximately 20 minutes by tram from Nagasaki Station (board bound for Sofukuji, transfer to Shinchi Chinatown tram stop, then board tram bound for Ishibashi), get off at Oura Cathedral stop, and walk approximately 8 minutes.
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