Model course-1

Recommended tour routes Recommended tour routes

We have prepared model courses for each grade, including 2 elementary school courses, 4 junior high school courses, and 4 high school courses, in PDF and PowerPoint format, so you can arrange them and use them.
We have created it based on the itinerary of the school you actually visited, so please make use of it.
We also offer model courses for group-based independent training.

Model course for elementary school students 1. Peace learning plan

This itinerary is mainly intended for use by bus from Kyushu, Chugoku and Shikoku.
This plan focuses on peace learning.

Model course for elementary school students 2.Peace study and history study plan

This itinerary is mainly intended for use by bus from Kyushu, Chugoku and Shikoku.
This is a plan that will enrich both peace learning and history learning.

Model course for junior high school students 1.Peace study and history study plan

The itinerary mainly takes into account the use of airplanes and trains from Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kinki.
This is a plan that will enrich both peace learning and history learning.


Model course for junior high school students 2.Peace learning, history learning, and inquiry learning plan

The itinerary mainly takes into account the use of airplanes and trains from Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kinki.
In addition to extensive peace and history learning, this plan incorporates visiting and interviewing local businesses and government agencies.

Model course for junior high school students 3.Peace learning, history learning, and experiential learning plan

The itinerary mainly takes into account the use of airplanes and trains from Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kinki.
In addition to fulfilling peace studies and history studies, this plan incorporates traditional cultural experiences of Nagasaki, such as peron and fried grouper.

Model course for junior high school students 4. Peace learning plan linked to world heritage sites

The itinerary mainly takes into account the use of airplanes and trains from Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kinki.
In addition to peace learning in the center of Nagasaki city,NagasakiAmakusaThis plan allows you to learn about peace from a new perspective by visiting Shitsu Village and Ohno Village in Sotome, which are part of the "Regional Hidden Christian Heritage Sites".

Model course for high school students 1.Peace learning, history learning, and inquiry learning plan

This itinerary is mainly based on flights from Chubu, Kanto, Tohoku, and Hokkaido.
In addition to extensive peace and history learning, this plan incorporates visiting and interviewing local businesses and government agencies.


Model course for high school students 2.Peace learning, history learning, and experiential learning plan

This itinerary is mainly based on flights from Chubu, Kanto, Tohoku, and Hokkaido.
In addition to fulfilling peace studies and history studies, this plan incorporates Nagasaki's traditional culture experiences, such as Peron and Chinese culture experiences.

Model course for high school students 3.Peace learning, history learning, inquiry learning, and experiential learning plan

This itinerary is mainly based on flights from Chubu, Kanto, Tohoku, and Hokkaido.
In addition to fulfilling peace and history studies, we also conduct interviews with local businesses and government agencies.
This is a plan that allows for deep learning, incorporating Nagasaki's traditional culture experiences such as Peron and Chinese culture experiences.

Model course for high school students 4. Peace learning plan linked to world heritage sites

This itinerary is mainly based on flights from Chubu, Kanto, Tohoku, and Hokkaido.
In addition to peace learning in the center of Nagasaki city,NagasakiAmakusaThis plan allows you to learn about peace from a new perspective by visiting Shitsu Village and Ohno Village in Sotome, which are part of the "Regional Hidden Christian Heritage Sites".

Click here for model courses for group-based independent training


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