2023.04.01 update

Kazuo Matahari | Kazuo Matahari
Managing Director
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Head of Planning and Management Division

■Work history    
Nagasaki City (Director of Culture and Tourism, etc.)
Joined the association on April 2023, 4.

■Main current roles  
Securing stable funds that contribute to sustainable DMO operations (formulation and operation of medium- and long-term financial policies and financial plans), coordination and consensus building with stakeholders such as the government and various organizations, and general affairs, human resources, accounting, etc. Overall management, general assistance for the entire business

■What we want to aim for at DMO    
Aiming to become a ``21st century exchange city'' chosen by domestic and international visitors, we will boldly work on tourism town development. We want to maximize economic effects through the industrialization of exchange and promote a virtuous cycle of regional revitalization, making our hometown of Nagasaki even more vibrant and prosperous.

■ Self PR
I love Nagasaki. He is also a Class 1 holder of the Nagasaki History, Culture and Tourism Certification.

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