DMO NAGASAKI Initiatives Introduction-1

DMO NAGASAKI Initiatives Introduction

2023.02.23 update

Introducing DMO NAGASAKI's main initiatives for tourism town development.

See list of main initiatives >>

Tourism area development project | Branding

In order to increase the desire to visit Nagasaki City, we are promoting activities to appeal to visitors by sharing with citizens and businesses a unified image of Nagasaki's diverse worldview, which has been constantly changing and evolving since the port opened. .

■Main initiatives
・Building a tourism master brand, ``Look at the world, close to your daily life,'' which symbolizes universal values ​​such as ``food,'' ``the sea,'' and ``peace,'' centering on the ``history and culture'' that Nagasaki City is proud of.
・Fostering inner branding (spreading the brand concept among citizens and businesses and promoting understanding)
・Development of promotions using the tourism master brand

Tourism area development project | Marketing research

With the aim of continuing to be chosen as an exchange city and drawing out the earning power of the region, we are creating a system for "Nagasaki City's version of tourism region development" including research and analysis on tourism and MICE, strategic planning, and formation and support of regional co-creation infrastructure. It is working.

■Main initiatives
・Comprehensive research targeting market trends, domestic and international visitors, MICE organizers/participants, citizens, and businesses
- Formulation of strategies and tactics based on various surveys (marketing information) - Verification of effectiveness
・Promote sharing and utilization of marketing information with business operators
・Establishment of the "Regional Co-Creation Platform (Nagasaki City Tourism and Urban Development Network)" where various businesses in the tourism and MICE industries actively collaborate with each other to create business opportunities and achieve sustainable profit improvement through co-creation. Formation and activity support

Tourism area development project | Domestic attraction

We are working to attract customers through promotion and sales activities based on branding and marketing.

■Main initiatives
・Detailed information dissemination according to the target (use of HP, SNS, web advertisements, magazines, transportation advertisements, etc.)
・Held joint sales and business meetings with the Nagasaki Prefecture Tourism Federation and business operators in the city.
・Attracting customers to the suburbs, promoting excursions, and supporting product development by proposing specific itineraries to travel agencies

Tourism area development project | Inbound attraction

We are working to attract visitors by creating and refining content in conjunction with the tourism master brand strategy, developing wide-area collaborative digital promotions with related organizations such as JNTO, and other cities, and creating attractiveness to be chosen by foreigners and disseminating information. Masu.

■Main initiatives
・Development of digital promotion through wide-area collaboration
・Strengthening information dissemination in collaboration with JNTO
・Held joint sales and business meetings with the Nagasaki Prefecture Tourism Federation and business operators in the city.

Tourism area development business | Expanding business opportunities (expanding consumption)

We are working to promote excursions and expand local consumption by providing high-quality products and services based on branding and marketing.

■Main initiatives
・Support for creating products and services based on market needs
・Promote instant reservations and advance payments using experiential content site “play nagasaki” etc.
・Strengthening the reception system to increase the satisfaction of visitors during their journey
・Refining experiential content with a story that makes it easy for Japanese and foreign visitors to understand the uniqueness of Nagasaki
・Create free multilingual menus ・Promote the use of the information dissemination site “EAT NAGASAKI”

Tourism area development project | MICE attraction/acceptance

Taking the opening of Dejima Messe Nagasaki as an opportunity, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki MICE Co., Ltd., and DMO will collaborate to strengthen the invitation and acceptance system, and aim to spread the effects to the entire town and create opportunities for the region to earn money. We are working to promote "Machi MICE".

■Main initiatives
・Strengthening the brand as a MICE host city that represents the MICE brand slogan
・Promotion as an international MICE city in collaboration with JNTO
・Sales to conference/society organizers and conference management committees (PCO) in the Tokyo metropolitan area
・Acceptance support such as inspection of key persons such as organizers
・Attractive program proposals to organizers (utilization of unique venues, etc.)
・Providing information to participants about accommodation, dining, experiences, souvenirs, etc.

Tourism area development project | Attracting and accepting school trips

We are strengthening our proposal of comprehensive plans for school excursions that incorporate peace learning as the main focus, history/exploratory learning, and high-value-added experiential content unique to Nagasaki. In addition, we are developing products in collaboration with various tourism-related facilities and accommodation facilities, and conducting attraction activities in collaboration with the Kyushu Tourism Organization, Nagasaki Prefecture Tourism Federation, and Nagasaki City Accommodation Facility Council.

■Main initiatives
・Support for creating experiential content for high value-added educational travel
・Strengthening response to new market needs such as SDGs and pre- and post-learning
・Sales to travel agencies by proposing specific processes, etc.
・Hold joint sales and business meetings with the Nagasaki Prefecture Tourism Federation and business operators in the city.
・Development and management of Nagasaki Peace and History Guide

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