April 2024 Monthly Report
2024.08.06 update
"DMO NAGASAKI MONTHLY REPORT" is released to inform you about the current state of tourism in Nagasaki. Based on the movement information data and search data of Yahoo Data Solution DS.INSIGHT, you can check the trends and interests of visitors to Nagasaki City.
1. Movement information data
The number of visitors to Nagasaki City from outside the prefecture was 135,990, an increase of 118% from the previous month and 103% from the same month last year.
By day, the highest number of visitors was 14 on the 7,270th (Sunday), with visitor numbers increasing on the middle day of the three-day weekend, including Marine Day.
・By block, compared to the same month of the previous year, Hokkaido and Tohoku were 150%, Kanto 95%, Hokuriku and Chubu 143%, Kinki 109%, Chugoku and Shikoku 123%, and Kyushu and Okinawa 100%. In the three major cities, Tokyo was 3%, Osaka 86%, and Fukuoka 92%, with decreases seen in major metropolitan areas.
2. Search Volume
-The search volume for "Nagasaki tourism" in July 2024 was 7 people, up 22,000% from the previous month and 105% from the same month last year.
- Compared to the same month last year in the three major cities, Tokyo was 3%, Osaka 103%, and Fukuoka 91%.
The number of visitors to Nagasaki City from outside the prefecture was 135,990, an increase of 118% from the previous month and 103% from the same month last year.
By day, the highest number of visitors was 14 on the 7,270th (Sunday), with visitor numbers increasing on the middle day of the three-day weekend, including Marine Day.
・By block, compared to the same month of the previous year, Hokkaido and Tohoku were 150%, Kanto 95%, Hokuriku and Chubu 143%, Kinki 109%, Chugoku and Shikoku 123%, and Kyushu and Okinawa 100%. In the three major cities, Tokyo was 3%, Osaka 86%, and Fukuoka 92%, with decreases seen in major metropolitan areas.
2. Search Volume
-The search volume for "Nagasaki tourism" in July 2024 was 7 people, up 22,000% from the previous month and 105% from the same month last year.
- Compared to the same month last year in the three major cities, Tokyo was 3%, Osaka 103%, and Fukuoka 91%.
*There are 9 images. Please scroll horizontally using the → button on the image to view it.
Number of visitors from outside the prefecture (accumulated by block)
Using travel behavior data, we compile the number of visitors to Nagasaki City from outside Nagasaki Prefecture by regional block and display monthly trends.
Trend in monthly topic volume
Using search data, we will compare the number of monthly searches for "Nagasaki tourism" and unravel "interest" in Nagasaki City.
* Note
Reference document

▼List of tourist information data
-Number of visitors from outside the prefecture
-Topics: “Nagasaki tourism”
-reference data