April 2022 Monthly Report
Yahoo Data Solution DS.INSIGHT mobile information database
The number of visitors from outside the prefecture in July 2022 was 118,870, an increase of 115% compared to last month and 119% compared to the same month last year.
Compared to the same month last year by block, there was a noticeable increase in the number of visitors from metropolitan areas, with Kanto 192%, Hokuriku-Shinetsu/Chubu 165%, and Kinki 140%.
Number of visitors from outside the prefecture (accumulated by block)
Using travel behavior data, we compile the number of visitors to Nagasaki City from outside Nagasaki Prefecture by regional block and display monthly trends.
Trend in monthly topic volume
Using search data, we will compare the number of monthly searches for "Nagasaki tourism" and unravel "interest" in Nagasaki City.
Reference document
-Number of visitors from outside the prefecture
-Topics: “Nagasaki tourism”
-reference data